The driver lost his job after ingesting watermelon gummy rings.
An Illinois trucker has filed suit against a CBD candy maker after he lost his job due to a failed drug test.
On October 28, truck driver Trevor Darrow filed a class action suit against Florida-based Just Brands USA in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
In the suit, Darrow argues that Just Brands USA violated the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Trade Practices Act by labelling their CBD products “No THC” when he says that they do in fact contain THC.
According to the suit, Darrow purchased gummy watermelon rings made by Just Brands USA in July 2019 to help him cope with sleeplessness.
Later, when Darrow was asked to take a drug test for his employer, he failed the test due to the presence of THC in his sample, which he blames on the CBD candy.

Darrow was fired by his employer as a result of the failed drug test and was out of work for a couple of months before finding a new job.
The class action suit is open to persons who have purchased Just Brands USA CBD products labeled “No THC” in the state of Illinois within three years of filing. You can click here for more information on the class action suit.
Just Brands USA reached out to offer the following statement: “JustBRANDS is confident this lawsuit has no merit. JustCBD takes great pride in the quality if its products, its testing protocols and uses isolate based products, which do not contain THC above .3, which is consistent with current laws and regulations. It is also worth noting that drug tests administered by employers vary greatly in their accuracy and sensitivity to a number of chemical compounds, recreational or pharmaceutical drugs that could result in a positive finding of THC.”
You can also view a video created earlier this year by OOIDA highlighting the risks of CBD use for CDL holders by clicking here.
All the Credits - Source - Orignal Story - CDLIFE