A push continues on Friday to expand Connecticut's medical marijuana program.Over the years, conditions have been added to a growing list that qualifies patients for medical marijuana use.The program's Board of Physicians said it will be meeting Friday to discuss adding a few more conditions.
Those conditions include Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and night terrors-parasomnia.The board will hear from members of the public about why they think those conditions should be added to the list.
For some people, they believe medical marijuana is their only hope against the debilitating conditions.
They said they've been to countless appointments and explored all options for treatment.
Friday morning's meeting will also continue a discussion of "chronic pain" from the board's previous meeting. Public comment on that topic, however, is complete.
So far, dozens of conditions have been added to the list. Thousands of patients have been cleared to use medical marijuana in Connecticut.
Source & Credits - https://www.wfsb.com