Concerns Over Push to Legalize Marijuana in Pennsyvlania

HONESDALE, Pa. -- The push to legalize recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania has big hurdles to jump. on Wednesday, the governor and lieutenant governor laid out several reasons why recreational marijuana could be good for the state.
Concerns Over Push to Legalize Marijuana in Pennsyvlania

But what does it mean for law enforcement and the criminal justice system?
"I think the term 'recreational marijuana' is an oxymoron. Recreational, to me, means playing basketball. It doesn't mean smoking drugs."
The Wayne County district attorney says he opposes the call from Governor Tom Wolf and Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman to legalize the use of recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania.
The state leaders also have another suggestion which they announced Wednesday in Harrisburg.
"Expunge the records of people who were previously convicted of these crimes," said Gov. Wolf.
"If you've been burdened, if you've been harmed by these types of convictions in your past, Pennsylvania believes in the second chance," added Lt. Governor John Fetterman.
"There is room for discussion about the decriminalization of marijuana and I'm willing to listen to that discussion," said Wayne County District Attorney Pat Robinson. "People that get arrested for a small amount of marijuana, I think 10 years ago it was much more of a problem in a sense that people were going to jail. I don't think they were languishing in jail."
A majority of people who attended listening sessions held around the state by the lieutenant governor support legalizing marijuana for adults in Pennsylvania.
The numbers presented by the lieutenant governor show that people are for recreational marijuana use. Wayne County D.A. Pat Robinson feels differently about what it could mean for local law enforcement.
"I am well aware that people drive under the influence of marijuana and driving under the influence of marijuana is just as bad as driving under the influence of alcohol," Robinson said.
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